It was magical...

Last night the Phillies played.  Last night the Phillies were losing.  Last night 30000 people left Citizens Bank Park when the score was 9 - 2 in favor of the Dodgers.   And then last night, magic happened. 

I believe  this kid  had something to do with it.  (It's worth watching for the sheer cuteness of it all.  It's only like 2 minutes).

As 10000 remaining fans screamed their heads off, I'm sure that boy was convinced he'd helped lead the Phillies to their stunning victory.  I hope he does, anyway.  

And to that boy, wherever and whomever he may be?   Never stop believing in your own special magic.

Don't stop believing...   Hamlet's Mistress


SisterMerryHellish said...

OMG that's hilarious! And sweet! I can't hear it but the kid's face tells the whole story! He really looked like he thought he'd done magic at the end there. I'm no baseball fan (too short of an attention span) but I am so glad to have seen this!

Thank you and good morning!

hamletsmistress said...

It's cute with the sound because the announcers do keep talking about him... interspersed with the exciting activity ON the field, of course. :)

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