Favorite Post of the Week #4

This was a tough week to pick a favorite post.   there were so many I enjoyed.   In fact, for the first time I have runners up.  Several of them, actually

One, however, stood above the rest as making me laugh right out loud.

Amy Vansant over at Kid Free Living had me peeing my pants (almost) with this post about the hair washer at her salon.  I about died because I've had THAT hair washer.  The one that hates heads and has a personal vendetta against hair.  She was probably the little girl who got smacked with the wooden brush if she whimpered while her mother mercilessly yanked a brush through her unruly curls and she sees her job as payback.  She can't torture her mother but it's open season on the rest of us.

Other posts that made the finals...

Mummaboo x 2 with It Ain't Easy Being Almost 5

Off My Mama Rocker with Twinadoe Talk: Sigh

Brittany Gibbons is the Barefoot Foodie with The Dating Game

There we are folks...  I read a literal butt-ton of posts this week, these  affected me the most.


Amy said...

Thank you for the fav choice! Though now I'm angry at myself for not adding a bit about how she probably had her hair mercilessly styled by Mommy Dearest. Good call!

CathiC said...

Thanks for the shout-out! I'm honored. :) Very happy that the antics of my stubborn child made you smile.

karen said...

Happy blogiversary, Amy! Sorry about the pups. Geeze, kids of any species just don't cut us any slack, do they!

Anyway, hope you have cake today AND I just want to point out that, while you may not be a "professional" writer, you write, ergo you are, indeed, a writer. ("real" writers who aren't very good should beware!) And a whole year of writing makes you a dedicated one. Whoo hoooo!

xox karen

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