That's right!! I've been annoying you all with my blabbering and blathering for a full year! I created Hamlet's Mistress a year ago today with this post. And I DID have things to say. Hopefully, I still do. This blog is sometimes a challenge. I'm not pregnant, I'm not raising kids, I'm not getting married, I'm not a world traveler. I just live with my husband and our two dogs and three cats. We go to our unexciting jobs and then home to do unexciting things. Like last night that we spent the 2nd night in a row cleaning up dog diarrhea and washing dogs. At least last night didn't contain a trip to the emergency vet. Last night when it was Wilma instead of Morgan it was old hat... "ok, Wilma, we've already seen Morgan do this... you're fine... turn around so we can wash your butt." It's sometimes hard to glean from my life anything that anyone would want to read about. And yet you do. You continue to come here and read what I have to say and I love you all for it.
I enjoy coming here immensely and writing. I have these grandiose illusions that I'm a writer. Don't worry... you writers out there... I know that I'm not. For one, I uses ellipses WAY too much. But they're my bread and butter... I can't not use them... excessively. I love them. I'm not a niche blogger that reels in a certain interest group and captivates them. I'm not a comedian or a wonderful spinner of tales. I'm just me.
And for one year now, y'all have told me, just by showing up, that me is enough. And I appreciate it so very much. Here's to another year ahead of boring stories and mundane ramblings. I hope you all come along for the ride.
Love you and thank you.
Amy - Hamlet's Mistress
Happy Bloggiversary to yooooouuuu!!
(Sorry about the sick puppers. Ew)
Happy Bloggy Birthday! Keep on writing - we'll keep reading! Hope the doggies are feeling better soon. Poor doggies. :(
Happy Bloggiversary!!!! <3
Happy Blogaversary!!! Yay!! Here's to another year...and many more after that!
Happy blogoversary! Hoping pups are on the mend. <3
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