However, all that being said, my new life goal is to meet Colin Firth. I told my husband on the way home... I said, "Hon, every decision I now make in my life moving forward is going to be to move me toward that goal of meeting him... just so you know. If I do something that doesn't make sense, just realize it's more than likely got something to do with that. "
So now I need to figure it out. I figure I need to either write a wildly popular book that will be made into a movie and he will be the star and I will be on set to observe from time to time OR just write a screenplay for him. The stipulation of both the movie rights and the purchase of the screenplay will be that I get to meet him. If not? No deal. That's RIGHT. NO DEAL. Do you hear me future Hollywood people clamoring after my brilliant work? I meet Colin or you can all go pound sand!!
Colin Firth will be 50 this year, so I need to start the wheels churning for roles suitable for a 55-year-old main star... 57 if I start with a book instead of going right to a screenplay.
I will meet Colin Firth. Oh yes, indeed, I will meet him.
How could I not. Just look at him. He's a treasure.
Well. I have to say that you are going about your plan in a very professional manner. Me-- I'd just stalk him.
He splits his living time between London and Italy. I'm too poor to stalk him. :)
Awwwww I LOVE COLIN FIRTH, and I was SO HAPPY that he won for best actor at the Oscars. His speech was adorable and he is just so classy.
If you want help writing that screenplay just let me know. You're far more strategical than I am ... I would just run up and jump on the stars I like and forcibly consummate our imgainary relationship. But hey, I'm random.
I'm with Ry and TRB... Let's just go jump his adorably British bones! Were I not dying of Pirrhana Flu, you were going to be the first person that I celebrated with after his Oscar win. :)
I'm sorry to hear about the Pirrhana Flu. I hope it's not as bad as the Rabid Bat flu I had last winter.
I was so proud of our man when he won. Even moreso when I saw the movie. He done good.
I never knew what all the fluttering was about when lady friends (isn't that what Colin would call them?) would gush over his version of Pride and Prejudice. There was only ONE Mr. Darcy for me (Matthew McFayden), and I hearted him most ardently.
Then I saw A Single Man and fell in love with Colin. I have yet to see The King's Speech, but I know I will swoon further still. So glad he won the Oscar--I adored his speech. If I spot him anywhere, I'll send him in your general direction. Right after I've had my way with him, of course.
Color me crimson. It's Macfadyen. I hope he doesn't pretend divorce me for this.
I hope he doesn't either!! That made me laugh right out loud, by the way. ;)
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