And days of auld lang syne...

It's the 3rd.   I'm a bit late on my New Year's post, but better late than never.

Overall, 2010 wasn't horrible.  There was the tragedy at the end, of course, with my grandfather's suicide...  but aside from that (as if there CAN be an aside from that), it was not a bad year.

I am looking forward to 2011.  The online book club seems to be starting out on the right foot with 5 new members (and we're always open to more), and cliche as it sounds, I have 50lbs to lose (setting my goal at only half what I need to lose, I'll work on the other 50 next year)... but really, is it cliche if you haven't made the "lose weight" New Year's resolution before?  Who knows.  I hope by the end of the year to have $2000 put aside for the trip to Orlando in June of 2012.

So fare thee well, 2010.  And here's to a brighter, even happier, more fiscally abundant 2011.

And happy new year to you all!!


Ry Sal said...

I have to say that it seems as though you are off to a really nice 2011! Such a positive post in the face of personal tragedy! Best of luck.. and Yay! Book Club.

Amy said...

Thanks! And yes, hooray book club! :)

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